Simplified User Login Sequence:
BROWSER attempts to access ORIGIN_WEBSITE.
ORIGIN_WEBSITE (via the idcheck module) looks for an idcheck cookie in the request. If it fails to find one idcheck module sets a REQUEST_COOKIE and redirects the browser to LOGIN_FORM on the IDCHECK_WEBSERVER.
The users browser now contains a LOGIN_FORM and they submit a username and password. This sumbitted request also contained a REQUEST_COOKIE which has not been validated yet. Successful completion of this form, sets a valid IDCHECK_COOKIE and registers the REQUEST_COOKIE as a valid cookie by associating it with the private IDHCECK_COOKIE value on the server and replacing its content with a 32 digit random number. Then the BROWSER is redirected back to the URL they were originally attempting to access.
ORIGIN_WEBSITE now sees that there is a validated REQUEST_COOKIE cookie present and checks its random value against IDCHECK_WEBSERVER (by a GET request over http). If that verification suceeds, IDCHECK_WEBSERVER returns the username and other authorisation data to the ORIGIN_WEBSITE. IDCHECK_WEBSERVER. The REQUEST_COOKIE is unset and the random value is installed in a WEBSERVER_COOKIE scoped only for the ORIGIN_WEBSITE. The WEBSERVER_COOKIE is used to authenticate future visits in the same way as the REQUEST_COOKIE
ORIGIN_WEBSITE now examines the data strings supplied by the idcheck cookie and its own rulesets to decide if it should allow that user access to the URL they requested. If access is permitted, then the page is sent back to BROWSER. If they are not, then they are redirected to a page informing them that they do not have sufficient authorisation to access the requested page.
If the BROWSER attempts to access a second ORIGIN_WEBSITE, REQUEST_COOKIES are installed and the browser is redirected to the LOGIN_FORM (as per above). However, this time the LOGIN_FORM request contains a private IDCHECK_COOKIE which the IDCHECK_WEBSERVER uses to authorise the REQUEST_COOKIE and immediatly redirect back to the second ORIGIN_WEBSITE. Thus the user gets to the second ORIGIN_WEBSITE transparently (and picks up a cookie for that site on the way).
The end user experience is that they click on a URL that they want to access, they are presented with a login form, they submit the form and get the URL they were requesting - about as simple as can be.
# load the module LoadModule mod_idcheck.c IdcheckLoginUrl https://idcheck.some.domain/idcheck IdcheckCheckUrl http://idcheck.some.domain/idcheck # A simple idcheck protected url <Location /protected> AuthType idcheck Idcheck on IdcheckNoAccessBehaviour server Require valid-user </Location> # the information page (also protected) <Location /idcheck-info> SetHandler idcheck-info AuthType idcheck Idcheck on Require valid-user </Location> # locations that allows only computing services and user abc123. <Location /protected/css_only> IdcheckAllowData "staff:unit=Computing Services" IdcheckAllowUser abc162 </Location> # a basic only protected location underneath an idcheck protected location. <Location /protected/basic> Idcheck off AuthType Basic AuthName "Basic realm" AuthUserFile /etc/httpd/conf/test-basic.passwd Require valid-user </Location> # access by IP address, by non-authoritative idcheck # or by authoritative basic. i.e. a basic auth dialog box # is displayed if there is no access. <Location /id_or_basic> # allow by IP Order deny,allow Deny from all Allow from # allow by idcheck Idcheck on AuthType Basic AuthName "Basic realm" AuthUserFile /etc/httpd/conf/test-basic.passwd Require valid-user Satisfy any </Location>
These directives can also be placed into .htaccess files. These directives are also subject to change.